Planning Makers Month

Brown STEM Class Supplies Needed


STEM class is looking for some items to help as we move into “Makers Month”.  If you are willing to donate or have any extra items listed below to donate, the students would appreciate it!


Empty paper towel rolls

Empty toilet paper rolls

Empty Cereal Boxes

Index Cards




Brass brads


Masking tape

Pipe cleaners

Aluminum Foil


Cotton Balls


Duct Tape

Paper or plastic cups


Wooden Craft Sticks


Anything else you think the kids could use to create


Thank you so much!

Mrs. Newenhouse


It’s About the Heart

Students figure out how big their heart is by comparing the size of their fist.  They learn how to find their heart rate, and experiment with running in place or jumping to make the rate increase.  With the help from Mystery Science, they see how their heart pumps blood through the body, and how strong it is by squeezing a crumpled up paper every time their heart beats for a minute.


The students know they are discovering ENGINEERING while working together in our STEM stations, but this week we focus on how each station is also SCIENCE, figuring out how it works, TECHNOLOGY, how it makes it easier to build, and MATH, how we can see shapes, patterns, and put it all together…